September 26, 2008

How to Attract the Guy You Have a Crush On

How to Attract the Guy You Have a Crush On

Crushes are quite a big part of our life. So what do you do once you have a crush on someone? Some girls may be satisfied with simply gazing longingly at their crush and not going anywhere near them for fear of being humiliated, but other girls might want to really get out there and impress this special guy. However, that's not always easy. For help on attracting that crush of yours, read on..
1. Make sure they know who you are. If your crush has no idea you exist, it's going to be harder to attract him. Try to get to know each other. You can do this by getting to be pally with his mates, joining a club he's in, or asking someone who knows him to introduce you two. If your crush is in your class, talk to him a little. You could comment on the teacher, the work you have to do, or make a joke when he's listening. It's scary, but you'll feel good once you make a move.
2. Take an interest in his interests. This is a huge step towards attracting him. It doesn't mean you have to change your favorite band or what you do on the weekends-anything but. But if he likes a certain TV show, watch it a few times and chat about it-that kind of thing. Don't say anything negative about it-try to think positive, witty and funny things to say. It can be the smallest thing, but it could make a world of difference. A guy is more likely to be interested in a girl who draws manga too, or watched last nights episode of his favorite TV show, if that's what he's interested in. (EDIT: This step is a huge mistake. If someone is going to be attracted to you, they need to get to know you. If your personalities are compatable, then a social exchange should not be difficult. Just remember, he is a person too. Flawed and nervous just like you, specially for you kids in school. Nobody knows who they really are, and what they really want at that age. So have fun, but dont present yourself to be someone your not. Even if its something dumb like watching a show he likes so you can talk about it. If you've never watched the show, tell him, ask him about it. Bang, you've got a conversation.)
3. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable.
Dont feel pressured to dress just like all the other girls, dont concern yourself with whether you have on the brand name thats popular, dont worry if your hair isnt perfectly polished. If you feel comfortable, you will project your best self, and people will feel comfortable around you.

Tips• Don't be easy. Not impressive, and it'll give you a bad reputation, try to be yourself and be open towards your feelings
• If you are going to make a joke, make sure it's funny and not cheesy. Try to make it on a subject he will be interested in and he will laugh at.
• Laugh at his jokes even if he says something that's not that funny. When you laugh he will look at you, so don't try and seem fake or too flirty.
• Be friendly! Remember to be positive and ask him simple questions like how he's doing, and take an interest in what he says.
• When he makes a joke, don't slap him, just lightly touch his arm when you laugh. Depending on the guy, he will probably get closer to you.

Warnings• Don't allow yourself to put too much time into one guy. Sure, he may be cute, make you laugh, or whatever, but you have your whole life to devote to love if that's what you choose. Think about what you may be missing now, in this moment!
• Avoid being clingy, naggy, overly dependent on attention, and so on. Guys are attracted to a challenge, so tease them a bit.
• Don't be annoying.
• Don't stare. Just glance. If he's looks way too absolutely cute, stare at him for only a few seconds. If he catches you, either smile shyly, or look down, blush, and then smile shyly. It looks very cute, and attractive.

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